Sugar Path Bakery: Celebration Specialists

Handcrafted Stylish Sweets by the Celebration Specialists

Our daily hours:

Tuesday thru Friday: 10:30 am to 5:30 pm

Saturday: 10 am to 5:30 pm

Sunday & Monday: Closed.

The team at the Sugar Path are celebration Specialists. whether you are getting married or celebrating a special life event—-we can help you with the perfect dessert for the occasion. our bakery was established in 2011 by two sisters whose fondest childhood memories always included their grandma’s dessert. armed with their grandma’s recipes and their grandpa’s work ethic, they set out to bring a little more sweetness to this world. We handcraft our all natural desserts using a smallbatch method and the finest ingredients. Our retail shop in downtown Geneva, Illinois features a rotating menu of Cakes, Pies, Cupcakes, Cookies, Do-Cups, and cake jars. We also ship cake jars and cookies nationwide so you can celebrate across the miles. our shipping site is located at Connect with us socially @thesugarpath and share by using #thesugarpath

Join the Club!


We get it. . .

You get 557 emails every day and your inbox looks like a cyclone hit it.  

Us too.  Somedays we want to pull our hair out trying to weed out the important emails from the dog training videos we signed up for.  Not that those aren't important too.

So why sign up for yet another email?

Well. . .first of all, we won't spam you every day.  Probably not even every week.  In fact, we need to get a whole lot better at sending emails more than once a month.  But right now it's about 1 to 2 times a month that you hear from us.

Second, the only way we can truly get to know each other is to interact and email is one way you can keep up with what's going on.  Like the cool events, the classes and the specials.

Third, we send coupons.  I mean, who doesn't like free stuff, right???

So, we hope you sign up.  But if you don't---don't complain that you didn't know!


And if you want to kick this friendship up a notch, join us on our social media pages AND in our Sugar Sister Baking Club Group!  The button below will take you to the private group.

Sugar Sister Baking Club

Copyright © 2019 The Sugar Path LLC  all rights reserved. The Sugar Path® is a federally registered trademark of The Sugar Path, LLC.   No part of this publication may be reproduced or used without the specific permission of the owner. Our photographs may not be copied from this website or our social media pages and used for any reason whatsoever without our permission. For permission request write to the publisher: The Sugar Path, 315 W. State Street, Geneva, IL 60134 (630)-262-3353.

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